Your weekly round-up of news from around our wonderful Golden Apples Family nurseries is here!

The Beacon, Rendlesham
Our green fingered Pre-Schoolers have been helping to water our new plants.
They were delivered by a magical fairy – and if we look after them, we may get to meet her soon!

For the Toddlers’ Healthy Living Week, they used play-dough to create a number of things on their placemats.
They had to make fruit and vegetables to fill their bowls, a mouth and teeth and even a toothbrush
They also worked together to arrange the foods and drinks onto the correct cards depending on whether they were healthy or unhealthy for their teeth.
These activities provided lots of discussions about healthy eating and what fruits and vegetables they all like.

The Appletree, Attleborough
The Pippins have been exploring fire safety, as we continue our topic of Community.
We tried on firefighter outfits and saved the cardboard house we made. We also explored the search and rescue toy helicopter and used chalk to mark-make. A fabulous fun day!

The Cornerstone, Martlesham
The Barn Owls have been busy recognising, sorting and matching colours.
Sorting different colours is an important cognitive skill that teaches a child to notice similarities and differences and how to categorise.
It helps develop order, visual perceptual thinking and memory skills.

Head Start, Ramsey
The children have been exploring beach-themed activities!
They’ve played with blue water, yellow sand and blue sparkling play-dough, role-played going to the seaside and read books like Grandma’s Beach, Dinosaur’s Beach, Out of the Blue and Barry the Fish with Fingers.
The books were extended and we learned about creatures we might find in rock pools and creatures that live in our seas.
The children spoke about how they have been to the beach as we finished our beach book for group time.
The children have also thoroughly enjoyed the outside activities such as making sandcastles, water fun, painting at the easel, designing their very own octopus and some sports fun.
This week our Babies have enjoyed some sensory development with hand and sponge painting.
Painting improves colour learning, helps boost self-esteem, communication, motor skills, builds concentration and patience.

The Anchor, Huntingdon
Not only did we receive a good outcome from Ofsted, we’ve also been inspected by the council and have received a 5 (very good) for our food hygiene rating!